If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident, Attorney Ryan Alexander has the experience to handle your personal injury case in Nevada. Ryan settles millions of dollars in claims per year and has handled more than 2,500 injury claims in the past 17 years. Recently, we got a judgment for $26.5 million dollars in a brain injury case, $2.5 million for injuries from a household product, and a $1.2 million jury verdict for a car accident with a spinal injury. With particular experience in brain injury cases, other attorneys routinely refer us catastrophic injury cases and cases that are going to trial. We handle injuries of all types including car accidents, trucking accidents, motorcycle accidents, defective products, slip and falls, security violence and dog bites.

Abogado de lesiones en Las Vegas
Some Recent Results*
$26,527,772 – Brain injury judgment
$2,500,000 – Defective product settlement
$1,300,000 – Premises liability – shooting
$1,204,048 – Car crash jury verdict
$950,000 – Premises liability – shooting
$900,000 – Insurance bad faith
$890,000 – Car crash
$850,000 – Car crash
$750,000 – Car crash
$700,000 – Car crash
$700,000 – Car crash
$650,000 – Car crash
$550,000 – Car crash
$515,000 – Car crash
$500,000 – Car crash
$475,000 – Car crash
$450,000 – Car crash
$425,000 – Car crash
$405,253 – Premises liability
$375,000 – Car crash
$355,655 – Car crash
$340,000 – Employment – whistleblower
$340,000 – Breach of contract
$300,000 – Civil rights
$276,000 – Car crash
$270,000 – Car crash
$250,000 – Car crash
$250,000 – Car crash
$225,000 – Injury by security guard
$225,000 – Car crash
$225,000 – Car crash
$220,000 – Car crash
$425,000 – Car crash
$216,000 – Car crash
$200,000 – Premises liability
$200,000 – Premises liability
$200,000 – Premises liability
$190,000 – Car crash
$190,000 – Car crash
$178,900 – Car crash
$177,429 – Car crash
$165,000 – Insurance bad faith
$164,138 – Consumer fraud
$150,000 – Defective product
$145,000 – Car crash
$145,000 – Car crash
$140,000 – Slip and fall
$135,000 – Car crash
$130,000 – Trip and fall
$130,000 – Car crash
$126,000 – Car crash
$125,000 – Car crash
$125,000 – Car crash
$115,000 – Car crash
$115,000 – Car crash
And over 2,500 more settlements $110,000 and under!
Contact us before you talk to an insurance company or sign any insurance paperwork after an accident. You may be settling for less than you deserve for your injuries – studies show that people represented by an attorney get much more money than those who try and settle their own insurance claim. You will meet with Ryan from your first consultation. We handle these cases on a “contingency fee” which means that we take a percentage of the settlement, and if we don’t get you money, you don’t owe us a fee.
Although settlement is advantageous in most cases, and nearly all of our claims settle with the insurance company without a lawsuit, we are ready and willing to take your case to a full trial with aggressive and prepared representation. An attorney will handle your case and we pride ourselves on personal, attentive service. We handle cases for automobile accidents, motorcycle accidents, trucking accidents, boating accidents, aviation accidents, wrongful death, product defects and medical malpractice.
Don’t wait to take action: schedule a free personal injury consultation with Ryan Alexander by calling (702) 868-3311.
Types of Injury Cases
There are generally two types of injury cases: 1) where someone intentionally hurts you with their actions, and 2) where someone hurts you because they didn’t do something they were supposed to (this is called “negligence”). Intentional cases are obviously easier to prove, as you need to show that someone did an action and that action hurt you, causing “damages.” Damages can be to your property, to your physical body, or emotional damage that causes distress or extreme emotions. Intentional cases are more often seen in cases for assault and battery and defamation.
It is more common in accident cases to be based in “negligence,” which means that the other person had a duty to do something (like pay attention to the road and drive safe), they didn’t do that (by looking at their cell phone or driving drunk), and their not performing the duty caused you to suffer damages (when their car hits yours and hurts you). Before we take a case, we need to be sure that there was some responsibility by the other person and that their “breach” of that responsibility was the real cause of your injury. Sometimes we find that people have been severely injured, but it may not have been the fault of the party they want to bring an action against – the other side had no responsibility for the injury (but note: Nevada does allow lawsuits even if you may be partly at fault). Damages are also an important consideration: we also encounter occasions where the other side has really not done what they are supposed to do, and have clearly breached their duty, but there are no damages to the client. However, we find in many cases that clearly there was a duty which was breached and that was the cause of the client’s injury, and that is a case where compensation for injuries is most likely. Given the complexity of personal injury cases, we want you to talk to us in a free personal injury consultation to determine what kind of case you have and how we can help you get the most restitution for your injuries.
What to Bring to Your Personal Injury Consultation
There is a fair bit of information we will need to proceed with your case. It will greatly speed up your case if you can bring most or all of the following with you to your consultation:
• Names and contact info of all other parties involved;
• Insurance company information of other parties involved, if applicable;
• Complete written timeline of dates, facts and events, and a brief, personal, description of how it has affected you;
• Your own calculation of your losses and damages;
• Doctor, chiropractor or hospital bills; all medical reports, diagnoses and treatment plans from the accident and before;
• Police report, if there is one; and
• Name and contact information of any potential witnesses.
Don’t wait to take action: schedule a free personal injury consultation with Ryan Alexander now by calling (702) 868-3311.